Sunday, November 27, 2016

My first Art Doll

So in one of my Etsy Finds posts, you saw this adorable clown doll from Dark Manor Dolls. If you recall, I raved about how much I loved her. Well, I have some WONDERFUL news for myself.
I ADOPTED HER!!!!!!!! Dark Manor Dolls is having a HUGE Moving Sale going on right now, and I took complete advantage of it!
Dark Manor Dolls has 40% off of her dolls. That's a HUGE discount! So go buy your favorite doll, and leave the other clown doll alone! She's MINE!! Just kidding, she's not mine... Yet... But I want her so BAD! Just take a LOOK!!! She's ADORABLE!!!!

Okay, so here's the one I have adopted.

Just look at that adorable sweet face! I love it!!! I can't get enough of it! She's got a bendy body! I am going to be making her a whole scenery to belong to.. She's going to have a whole shelf to herself, until I get the other clown doll. :) 
I'm very excited. I haven't ever collected someone else's art! This is amazing to me. I never thought I'd get this sweet doll in my hands. But she will be here shortly. I can't wait!!
So, this is my blog. I haven't been doing much but decorating for Christmas. And that's not anything worth sharing. So there that's about it. Thanks for reading!
Tonya @woollyghouliedarkmanordolls

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