Saturday, October 29, 2016

Etsy Finds Halloween

So, I spend a LOT of time on Etsy. I post my stuff, look at other peoples work, get inspiration and find stuff I want for myself. So I figured, since I spend so much time looking at other artists stuff, I should just share what I fall in love with.

Here are some things:

This is a shop my mom has on Etsy. It's Boho Gypsys Creations , and she creates soaps, bath salts, bath fizzy bombs and she does amazing work on handmade quilted purses. She will be adding some actual quilts in there eventually. But she's constantly adding soaps and bath fizzies and stuff like that. She uses palm oil based soap and adds essential oils that are combined to create relaxation, soothing and calming. She sends me samples occasionally and my most favorite is the Lavander and MAgnolia soaps.. She uses all natural ingredients and keeps her prices EXTREMELY affordable. I placed and order with her a few days ago for these skull soaps, and a few others. They will be used for freebies when someone buys a figure I've made in my Etsy shop! Also, I'll keep some myself, and use them.

This awesome little painting belongs to DCBARTSTUDIOS . It's one of my favorite paintings of pumpkins. You should check out their other stuff!!

This cool looking guy is from Willow Hollow Creations . I had the pleasure of having a small chat with her when she purchased a pumpkin boy from me. She makes some really unique goblets, like this one, and some others. She also makes table runners, and they look very, very cool.
Check her shop out!!

This cute lil lady belongs to a shop called Delightfully Odd Clay . I fell in love with this when I saw her! She's so cute!! She has made a few other items that I fell in love with. Her work just blows my mind. You should check this shop out, too!!

This awesome marionette belongs to Czech Marionettes . The work that someone has done to create this Frankenstein Monster, it freaks me out, to be honest. I can't find the words to describe how much I love this marionette. It's way out of my price range, understandably, because of the work gone into it.. But if it weren't, it'd be mine!! I absolutely love him. I collect Frankys and he would make my collection the best EVER!! You should check out the other work they've got listed.. Every single marionette is a masterpiece. It truly is. Check them out!!

So that's today's Etsy finds.. I will continue to do these Etsy Finds occasionally on artists I find. There's way more to come, I promise! Stay tuned, share these artists pages, so they're not starving!! 


  1. Great article. Not only because you mentioned my store, lol. But because I now am aware of the other stores. Can not wait to go look..
